written on Thursday, January 31, 2008 @ 5:08 PM ✈
BLOGGING... tomorrow will be the last test of this week. after this week i will not be in singapore.. miss me , people... hahas. i am lame. tomorrow our school is having an earlier dismisses to thanks the teachers for their hardwork for the sec 4s i think that is a good news to everyone right? today we have biology practical it was fun disecting the lilies looking at the ovules and pollen grain under the microscope. it has been a year since i last used it. had chinese and chemistry test today which both of them i think i did not not do well mr ho not here today so it was a free period mrs oon started on a new chapter today she is teaching at a bullet train speed. hope that i am able to catch up with the class with the two missing days i dont think teachers will teach that fast right? why dont have chen ying's lesson during that two days!!! never mind...gtg shall blog soon each day gets stranger as i grow older...
written on Thursday, January 31, 2008 @ 5:08 PM ✈
BLOGGING... tomorrow will be the last test of this week. after this week i will not be in singapore.. miss me , people... hahas. i am lame. tomorrow our school is having an earlier dismisses to thanks the teachers for their hardwork for the sec 4s i think that is a good news to everyone right? today we have biology practical it was fun disecting the lilies looking at the ovules and pollen grain under the microscope. it has been a year since i last used it. had chinese and chemistry test today which both of them i think i did not not do well mr ho not here today so it was a free period mrs oon started on a new chapter today she is teaching at a bullet train speed. hope that i am able to catch up with the class with the two missing days i dont think teachers will teach that fast right? why dont have chen ying's lesson during that two days!!! never mind...gtg shall blog soon each day gets stranger as i grow older...
we live under the same sky
“To put away aimlessness and weakness, and to begin to think with purpose, is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment; who make all conditions serve them, and who think strongly, attempt fearlessly, and accomplish masterfully.”
- James Allen Quotes
Sometimes I wonder how people see me and what they think of me. It scares me a bit, honestly. I am sure though, that what they think of me,
what they think my life is, is a complete misconception. I have always tried to show myself as a carefree person, as someone who wont get bothered
because of public judgement. I am sure my friend and family think there is nothing going wrong in my life, that I do not worry enough, that
I am always happy. And I am sure they probably somewhat hate me for it because, lets admit it, there is nothing worse than seeing someone
who is life seems so perfect while yours is a complete mess. Truth is, I have become an expert at pretending. I think we are all experts
or at least we are getting there.